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Home » » how to make casseroled beef /meat and tomatoes (Languages:English ,Urdu ,Hindi ,Pashto) 2017

how to make casseroled beef /meat and tomatoes (Languages:English ,Urdu ,Hindi ,Pashto) 2017

Written By Learn Pashto easily on Sunday 30 July 2017 | July 30, 2017


Casseroled Beef and Tomatoes


700g chuck steak

Salt and black pepper

50 g butter

1 Onion

50g butter

2 level tablespoon flour

250ml chicken stock

1 tablespoon worestershire sauce

400 g tomatoes

2 Sticks of celery or you can use corriander if not not available


 Cut the meat into 3 cm cubes ,using the sharp cook knief ,and sprinkle with the salt and black pepper.Put  this marinated meat in a plastic bag and leave it for over night in the refrigrator .

Next Day Cooking :
Heat the oven to 180 degree celsius (350 Fahrenheit ), mark 4.

Then peel and slice the onion . Melt the butter into the saucepan ,add onion and fry until it gets soft.Now drain the onion and put in the casserole.Add the meat to this butter and fry until brown .Remove it from the sacucepan and add to the onions in the casserol.

Bring a pan of water to the boil ,put in the tomatoes and boil till 10 seconds ,remove the tomatoes and plunge them into a bowl of cold water,The tomato skin can easily be peeled off with the vegetable knief.Cut each tomato into four pieces.

Sprinkle the flour into the pan ,mix with the little amount of butter. Use wooden spoon to fry the flour ,fry until it gets a light brown colour.Add the chicken stalk and 1 tablespoon worestershire sauce ,bring it to boil stirring it all the time.Cut the celery into pieces 1cm long .Add tomatoes and celery to this mixutre. 

Now pour this mixture onto the meat and fried onion in the casserol.Cook it in the oven for 1-1/2 hours.Serve hot .

Tip 1----You can add mozzarella cheese on the top if you want to make it more delicious . 

Tip 2----You can add more vegetables like potatoes ,peas and  carrots.Procedure is same, first fry them in a frying pan for few minutes like the tomatoes then add to the meat in the casserol.

Tip 3----You can use chicken instead of meat or beef.

Tip 4----Asian people can use garlic n ginger along with salt and black pepper for marination.



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